OEV Auctioneer
OEV Auctioneer is the off-chain system managed by the API3 DAO to process auctions hosted on the OEV network. This off-chain component is necessary because hosting auctions fully on-chain would be extremely gas-intensive and wouldn't scale performance-wise. The correctness and honesty of OEV Auctioneer can be verified on-chain because the logic is based solely on the OevAuctionHouse contract state and events at a given time.
OEV Auctioneer has two main responsibilities:
- Resolve auctions and award the winner
- Confirm or contradict fulfillments
Each dApp that uses OEV feeds is served by an Auctioneer instance. Internally, API3 DAO may run multiple Auctioneers as a form of horizontal scaling to ensure auctions can be processed in a timely manner.
How it works?
Auctioneer processes logs emitted by the OevAuctionHouse contract and responds back by interacting with the same contract. Auctioneer is deployed on AWS with well-established security. It has an Auctioneer wallet that is given the rights to resolve the auctions and confirm/contradict fulfillments.
The only cross-chain communication happens during fulfillment verification - all other operations are performed solely on OEV Network or the target chain of the dApp. This minimizes latency and improves the resiliency.
Enforced Conventions
Auctioneer enforces a few conventions. These are important for searchers to understand and comply with in order to successfully participate in auctions.
Name | Value | Description |
AUCTION_LENGTH_SECONDS | 30 | How long an auction lasts. |
OEV_AUCTIONS_MAJOR_VERSION | 1 | Increased when we release any breaking change relevant to OEV auctions. |
COLLATERAL_REQUIREMENT_BUFFER_PERCENT | 5 | The additional percentage of the bidder's collateral to mitigate against price changes. |
BIDDING_PHASE_LENGTH_SECONDS | 25 | The length of the bidding phase during which searchers can place their bids. |
REPORT_FULFILLMENT_PERIOD_SECONDS | 86400 | The fulfillment period, during which the auction winner is able to report payment for the OEV bid. |
MINIMUM_BID_EXPIRING_SECONDS | 15 | The minimum expiring time for a bid to be considered eligible for award. |
PLACED_BIDS_BLOCK_RANGE | 300 | The number of blocks queried for placed bids during award phase. |
Auction Offset
Auctions repeat indefinitely and take a fixed amount of time. The first auction starts at the UNIX timestamp 0 (midnight UTC on 1st of January 1970) plus an offset based on the dApp ID.
uint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(uint256(dAppId)))) % AUCTION_LENGTH_SECONDS;
Say there is a dApp with ID 13
- When we encode and hash the dApp ID, we get
. - When we convert it to a decimal number, we get
. - When we modulo the number by
, we get17
So the first auction starts at UNIX timestamp 17
and repeats every 30s. The second auction starts at timestamp 47
, the third at 77
, and so on...
Bid Topic
Auctioneer uses the following convention for the bid topic:
Let's break down the components of the bid topic:
- The major version of OEV Auctions. Any change resulting in auction behavior changing, such as changes in auction rules or off-chain protocol specs, is denoted by this major version being incremented. Refer to the current value ofOEV_AUCTIONS_MAJOR_VERSION
- The dApp ID for which the auction is being held.auctionLength
- The length of the auction. This parameter must be set toAUCTION_LENGTH_SECONDS
. It is one of the most important parameters, so we're explicitly including it in the bid topic to highlight its importance.signedDataTimestampCutoff
- The cutoff timestamp of the signed data. Only signed data with timestamps smaller than or equal to this value are permitted to update the data feed. It is equal to the end of the bidding phase of the auction, that isstartTimestamp + BIDDING_PHASE_LENGTH_SECONDS
Auctions repeat continuously and indefinitely. To calculate the signedDataTimestampCutoff
that is to be specified in the bid topic, one needs to calculate the startTimestamp
of the auction. This depends on the auction offset and BIDDING_PHASE_LENGTH_SECONDS
For example, dApp with ID 13
has an auction offset of 17
this gives the following sequence of auctions:
startTimestamp | signedDataTimestampCutoff | End of award phase |
17 | 42 | 47 |
47 | 72 | 77 |
77 | 102 | 107 |
and so on...
Bid Details
The bid details follow this convention:
The arguments are:
- The address that is going to pay for the OEV bid and update the data feed, if the bid wins the auction.nonce
- A random nonce to prevent bid ID conflicts.
Award Details
The award details contain a signature that the auction winner uses to pay the OEV bid, which allows them to update the price feeds.
Fulfillment Details
The fulfillment details are a single bytes32
value that represents the transaction hash on the target chain in which the auction winner paid for the OEV bid.
Bid Eligibility
Auctions are open for everyone. Searchers interact with the OevAuctionHouse contract when placing a bid, which enforces a few restrictions. Apart from the on-chain restrictions, Auctioneer adds a few more:
- Ignore all bids that expired or are expiring within the next
period. This ensures that the awarded bid will still be active when the transaction is mined. - Ensure the bidder has enough collateral to cover the bid amount along with extra
percent to account for price fluctuations. This ensures that enough collateral can be reserved at award time. - Ensure the bidder has not initiated a withdrawal. This prevents withdrawing the deposit just before the bid award. Note that it does not matter if the bid was placed before the withdrawal - if there is a withdrawal initiated, all bidder's bids are ignored.
Auctioneer fetches the required information from the OevAuctionHouse contract. In a rare case when Auctioneer fails to fetch eligibility for a bidder, it will abort awarding the current auction.
Edge case:
If a bidder places multiple bids across different dApps in quick succession, with only enough collateral to cover a subset of the bids, then Auctioneer may attempt to award a bid when the bidder does not have enough collateral.
Let's say we have:
- two dApps (D1 and D2) whose award phases start one second from each other
- a bidder with only enough collateral to cover one bid for either dApp
If the bidder places 2 winning bids (B1 and B2), one for each dApp, Auctioneer can end up executing this sequence:
- run auction for dApp D1 and fetch the bidder's current collateral
- run auction for dApp D2 and fetch the bidder's current collateral
- award bid B1 for dApp D1
- award bid B2 for dApp D2, but the transaction fails because the bidder no longer has enough collateral after bid B1 was awarded
In this scenario, Auctioneer will not try to award another bidder, as the awarded signature will already have been exposed in the reverting award transaction.
Auction Resolution
Each auction is split into two phases:
- Bidding phase - During this phase, searchers are free to submit their bids. This phase takes
. - Award phase - During this phase, Auctioneer determines and awards the winner. Bids placed during this period are ignored. This phase takes the remainder of the auction length, which is
As soon as the bidding phase is over, Auctioneer attempts to resolve the auction as soon as possible. The following happens under the hood:
- Compute the bid topic for the current auction
- Fetch the current block on the OEV Network
- Fetch the bids for the bid topic from the last
- Discard all ineligible bids
- Select the bidder with the highest bid amount. In case there are multiple eligible bids with the same amount, the bidder with the earliest bid is selected
- Prepare and submit the award for the auction winner on the OEV Network
Under rare circumstances, when Auctioneer is unable to fetch the block or the logs from the OEV Network, the auction will be aborted and no winner is chosen. Similarly, if the auction award transaction fails, there will be no retry, because the award signature was already exposed publicly.
Bidding Phase Guarantee
Auctioneer guarantees that any bid placed during the bidding phase will be processed. The timestamp of the placed bid is determined by the block timestamp in which the transaction is included. Searchers need to be mindful of that and of the block time of the OEV Network and make sure to place their bids in time.
That said, Auctioneer may also include bids placed before or slightly after the bidding phase. This is because Auctioneer fetches the logs from the OEV Network some time in the award phase. It fetches logs from a sufficient block range with some buffer to ensure the full bidding phase is included. This behavior might change in time and searchers should not rely on it.
Processing Fulfillments
After the auction winner is awarded, they are expected to fulfill their duties by paying for the awarded OEV bid. After they've made the transaction on the target chain, they are expected to report the fulfillment back to the OEV Network to get their collateral released. Auction winners are advised to wait a sufficient time for the transaction to reach enough finality on the target chain.
Auctioneer periodically queries the OEV Network logs for such events by doing the following:
- Fetch all logs regarding fulfillments for a sufficient time period - AwardedBid, ReportedFulfillment, ConfirmedFulfillment and ContradictedFulfillment.
Contradict all AwardedBid events that are
old without a matching reported fulfillment. Make no action for other AwardedBid events because they are within the fulfillment period.For all ReportedFulfillment events without a matching ConfirmedFulfillment or ContradictedFulfillment, fetch the PlacedBid event to determine which chain the bid was for.
Verify that the reported fulfillment is valid. It must be paid through the correct contract, with the correct amount and on the correct target chain.
In case there is a failure during any of the steps above, the Auctioneer tries to process the fulfillment later. Its utmost priority is to avoid slashing honest searchers. That said, once the Auctioneer disproves the fulfillment, it will promptly slash.
Note that the auction winner may choose not to update the price feed when they pay for the awarded bid. This is an allowed way to withhold the updates because the auction winner is losing money by being slashed, making it financially infeasible. As a note, the data feed security remains unchanged because it will be eventually updated by an API3 push oracle when the deviation exceeds its threshold.
Auctioneer Addresses
OEV Auctioneers use dedicated wallets to award auctions and process fulfillments. These addresses are granted the respective privileges on the OevAuctionHouse contract on the OEV Network and Api3ServerV1OevExtension contract on all target chains.
Internally, API3 DAO uses multiple wallets for resolving auctions and processing fulfillments. The table below displays the addresses of currently whitelisted Auctioneer wallets.
Address | Description |
0x0350178E8E8731415287E6DbE1f0746A46510868 | Auction resolver |
0xfaf0490A34036a3FE2b740545D67b81b8d3ADfB8 | Fulfillment processor |
Auctioneer is maintained by the API3 DAO, which is responsible for its uptime and reliable auction processing. In case of a planned migration or maintenance, there will be an announcement shared in advance. It's expected that maintenance periods will be very rare and short.