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Guides → Airnode

Post processing

This guide demonstrates Airnode's ability to execute its postProcessingSpecifications capability which runs user defined code during its run cycle. The following describes the workflow Airnode uses:

  1. Run preProcessingSpecifications
  2. Airnode calls requested OIS endpoint
  3. Run postProcessingSpecifications
  4. Airnode encodes the response values defined by reservedParameters

In this guide you will use postProcessingSpecifications to get the average price of the API3 token and its average market cap for the last seven days. This will be calculated after calling the CoinGecko operation /coins/{coin}/market_chart.

1. Setup a Docker container to run Airnode

A local Docker container running Airnode is needed. Go to the guide Deploying Airnode locally using Docker and run steps #1-3. Make the following adjustment when doing so:

  • After downloading the Project folder (step #2) replace the config.json file's content with the following content.
Copy/paste config.json
  "chains": [
      "authorizers": {
        "requesterEndpointAuthorizers": [],
        "crossChainRequesterAuthorizers": [],
        "requesterAuthorizersWithErc721": [],
        "crossChainRequesterAuthorizersWithErc721": []
      "authorizations": {
        "requesterEndpointAuthorizations": {}
      "id": "11155111",
      "providers": {
        "myChainProvider": {
          "url": "${CHAIN_PROVIDER_URL}"
      "type": "evm",
      "options": {
        "gasPriceOracle": [
            "gasPriceStrategy": "latestBlockPercentileGasPrice",
            "percentile": 60,
            "minTransactionCount": 20,
            "pastToCompareInBlocks": 20,
            "maxDeviationMultiplier": 2
            "gasPriceStrategy": "providerRecommendedGasPrice",
            "recommendedGasPriceMultiplier": 1.2
            "gasPriceStrategy": "providerRecommendedEip1559GasPrice",
            "baseFeeMultiplier": 2,
            "priorityFee": {
              "value": 3.12,
              "unit": "gwei"
            "gasPriceStrategy": "constantGasPrice",
            "gasPrice": {
              "value": 10,
              "unit": "gwei"
      "maxConcurrency": 100
  "nodeSettings": {
    "cloudProvider": {
      "type": "local"
    "airnodeWalletMnemonic": "${AIRNODE_WALLET_MNEMONIC}",
    "heartbeat": {
      "enabled": false
    "httpGateway": {
      "enabled": true,
      "maxConcurrency": 20,
      "corsOrigins": []
    "httpSignedDataGateway": {
      "enabled": false
    "oevGateway": {
      "enabled": false
    "logFormat": "plain",
    "logLevel": "DEBUG",
    "nodeVersion": "0.14.1",
    "stage": "quick-container"
  "triggers": {
    "rrp": [
        "endpointId": "0x2de6e288ed16965b68a62d4b2a747b094b3c857941285e625bed3a7be31445e4",
        "oisTitle": "API3 coin data",
        "endpointName": "api3CoinMarketData",
        "cacheResponses": false
    "http": [
        "endpointId": "0x2de6e288ed16965b68a62d4b2a747b094b3c857941285e625bed3a7be31445e4",
        "oisTitle": "API3 coin data",
        "endpointName": "api3CoinMarketData"
    "httpSignedData": []
  "templates": [],
  "ois": [
      "oisFormat": "2.3.2",
      "title": "API3 coin data",
      "version": "1.0.0",
      "apiSpecifications": {
        "servers": [
            "url": ""
        "paths": {
          "/coins/{coin}/market_chart": {
            "get": {
              "parameters": [
                  "in": "path",
                  "name": "coin"
                  "in": "query",
                  "name": "vs_currency"
                  "in": "query",
                  "name": "days"
                  "in": "query",
                  "name": "interval"
        "components": {
          "securitySchemes": {}
        "security": {}
      "endpoints": [
          "name": "api3CoinMarketData",
          "operation": {
            "method": "get",
            "path": "/coins/{coin}/market_chart"
          "fixedOperationParameters": [
              "operationParameter": {
                "in": "query",
                "name": "days"
              "value": "6"
              "operationParameter": {
                "in": "query",
                "name": "interval"
              "value": "daily"
          "reservedParameters": [
              "name": "_type",
              "fixed": "int256,int256"
              "name": "_path",
              "fixed": "avg_price,avg_market_cap"
              "name": "_times",
              "fixed": "1000000,"
          "parameters": [
              "name": "air_coin",
              "operationParameter": {
                "in": "path",
                "name": "coin"
              "name": "air_vs_currency",
              "operationParameter": {
                "in": "query",
                "name": "vs_currency"
          "preProcessingSpecifications": [],
          "postProcessingSpecifications": [
              "environment": "Node",
              "timeoutMs": 5000,
              "value": "   let avg_price = 0;   let avg_market_cap = 0;   input.prices.forEach(el => { avg_price = avg_price + el[1]; });   input.avg_price = (avg_price / 7).toString();   input.market_caps.forEach(el => { avg_market_cap = avg_market_cap + el[1]; });   input.avg_market_cap = (avg_market_cap / 7).toString();   output = input;   "
  "apiCredentials": []

Once the project folder from the Deploying Airnode locally using Docker guide has been downloaded and the config.json file updated, return to step #2 below. But first read about the changes made to the newer config.json file shown below.


The newer config.json file points to a different API provider operation (/coins/{coin}/market_chart).

"paths": {
  "/coins/{coin}/market_chart": {
    "get": {
      "parameters": [


After calling the API provider's operation but before encoding the resulting values for on-chain use, Airnode will run the post processing code defined in postProcessingSpecifications. During execution of this code, the data from the API provider operation can be summarized into the values needed.

"preProcessingSpecifications": [],
"postProcessingSpecifications": [
    "environment": "Node",
    "timeoutMs": 5000,
    "value": "   let avg_price = 0;   let avg_market_cap = 0;   input.prices.forEach(el => { avg_price = avg_price + el[1]; });   input.avg_price = (avg_price / 7).toString();   input.market_caps.forEach(el => { avg_market_cap = avg_market_cap + el[1]; });   input.avg_market_cap = (avg_market_cap / 7).toString();   output = input;   "

Below is a more human readable rendering of the post processing code. The input variable contains the response from the API provider's operation. The output variable must be set before the code exists as Airnode uses it to encode any values for use on-chain. See more about Input and Output in the OIS reference.

let avg_price = 0;
let avg_market_cap = 0;
input.prices.forEach((el) => {
  avg_price = avg_price + el[1];
input.avg_price = (avg_price / 7).toString();
input.market_caps.forEach((el) => {
  avg_market_cap = avg_market_cap + el[1];
input.avg_market_cap = (avg_market_cap / 7).toString();
output = input;

2. Deploy the Docker container

From your project root run the Docker container deploy command. It will use the updated config.json file.

docker run \
  --volume "$(pwd):/app/config" \
  --name quick-start-container-airnode \
  --publish 3000:3000 \
docker run ^
  --volume "%cd%:/app/config" ^
  --name quick-start-container-airnode ^
  --publish 3000:3000 ^
docker run \
  --volume "$(pwd):/app/config" \
  --name quick-start-container-airnode \
  --network host \

Leave the command active in the terminal window. It will display the log items resulting from the container's deployment. Note the line in the output contains the httpGateway URL which you will use in step #3.

[2023-06-06 21:49:44.596] INFO HTTP (testing) gateway listening for request on "http://localhost:3000/http-data/01234567-abcd-abcd-abcd-012345678abc/:endpointId"

3. Call the Airnode endpoint

Use CURL and call the Airnode endpoint that gets the market data from the CoinGecko operation /coins/{coin}/market_chart. The CURL command will call the httpGateway exposed by the Airnode. This avoids the need to use a smart contract to get the response. The httpGateway is a testing tool not normally enabled on production systems.


# For Windows CMD replace line termination marker \ with ^
curl -X POST \
  -d '{"parameters":{"air_coin":"api3","air_vs_currency":"usd"}}' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  'http://localhost:3000/http-data/01234567-abcd-abcd-abcd-012345678abc/0x2de6e288ed16965b68a62d4b2a747b094b3c857941285e625bed3a7be31445e4' | json_pp


# response
   "encodedValue" : "0x0...58a",
   "rawValue" : {
      "avg_market_cap" : "106632586.97711395",
      "avg_price" : "1.2477250309068642",
      "market_caps" : [
      "prices" : [
      "total_volumes" : [
   "values" : [

The data retrieved from the API provider CoinGecko (market_caps, prices, and total_volumes ) was added to the rawValue field. Then the rawValue (as the input variable) was "piped" through the postProcessingSpecifications user defined code which in turn calculated the price and market cap averages which were added back into rawValue via the output variable.

  • "avg_price" : "1.2477250309068642"
  • "avg_market_cap" : "106632586.97711395"

After the postProcessingSpecifications user defined code exited Airnode used the mappings of the reservedParameters field in the config.json file to determine what data should go into the values field. Airnode then encoded the values into the encodedValue field suitable for use on-chain.

4. Verify encodedValue

Verify that encodedValue actually contains the two numbers in the values field. Copy and paste the encodedValue string you received after executing the Airnode endpoint into the form below and select the Decode button.

Ethers AbiCoder: Decode


In this guide you extended the data from the API operation with additional summary values using post processing. For more examples on how to use preProcessingSpecifications and postProcessingSpecifications see the following monorepo examples.


Released under the MIT License.